Duration 8:55

Bottle Crafts | Leaf Clay Art on Bottle | Unique Bottle Decoration Ideas | Sikha Crafts

6 634 watched
Published 21 Feb 2020

Bottle Crafts | Leaf Clay Art on Bottle | Unique Bottle Decoration Ideas | Sikha Crafts Sikha Crafts shows how to decorate glass bottles with air dry clay art' Things which are used... 1, glass bottle 2, air dry clay 3, texture paste or wall putty 4, acrylic colors(maroon, aqua marine blue, bronze metallic, dark brown, black, golden dust) 5, paint brushes 6, white glue 7, leaf cutter https://www.amazon.in/Royals% C2%AE-Plastic-Plunger-Fondant-Embossing/dp/B07WYSKC2F/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=leaf+cutter&qid=1582742488&sr=8-6 #BottleCrafts #AirDryClayArt #Sikha Crafts #BottleDecorationIdeas IN SPANISH Artesanías de botellas | Leaf Clay Art en botella | Ideas únicas de decoración de botellas | Sikha Crafts Sikha Crafts muestra cómo decorar botellas de vidrio con arte de arcilla seca al aire ' Cosas que se usan '' ' 1, botella de vidrio 2, arcilla seca al aire 3, pasta de textura o masilla de pared 4, colores acrílicos (granate, azul marino marino, bronce metálico, marrón oscuro, negro, polvo dorado) 5, pinceles 6, pegamento blanco 7, cortador de hojas IN PORTUGUESE Artesanato de garrafa | Arte de barro de folha em garrafa | Idéias únicas de decoração de garrafas | Sikha Crafts Sikha Crafts mostra como decorar garrafas de vidro com arte de argila seca ao ar ' Coisas que são usadas '' ' 1, garrafa de vidro 2, argila seca ao ar 3, pasta de textura ou massa de vidraceiro na parede 4, cores acrílicas (marrom, azul marinho aqua, bronze metálico, marrom escuro, preto, pó dourado) 5, pincéis 6, cola branca 7, cortador de folhas If you like this video consider subscribing the channel. Its free To subscribe press /c/SikhaM Please like, and comment below . Share this video with family and friends. Contact me for business at 32sikha.m@gmail.com Follow me on facebook page https://www.facebook.com.gearup.sikha.m/ follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sikha8489 Follow me on Pinterest https://in.pinterest.com/32sikham/ To subscribe press /c/SikhaM bottle crafts, bottle decoration ideas, altered bottles, air dry clay art on bottle, clay art on bottle, leaf clay art on bottle, sikha crafts, sikha m, gear up with sikha, wine bottle craft ides, unique bottle craft idea


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